Street Boot

Sunday August 25

10am – 2pm


34 Appleleaf Lane
77 Butts Road
67 Bowmandale
40 Canberra View
2 Catherine Street
8 Castledyke South
23 Castledyke West
32 Chapel Lane
37 Dam Road
30 Far Ings Roads
6 Fenland Court
17 Fenland Court
12 Greenway
37 Lapwing Way
114 Maltkiln Road
Anvil Cottage 17A Marsh Lane
63 Millfields
26 Providence Crescent
33 Providence Crescent
45 Providence Cresent
3 Regency Court
10 Ropery Lane
22 Tofts Road
The Sloop Inn, 81 Waterside Road
15 Waterside Road
2 Warblers Close
3 Warwick Drive
2 Western Drive
45 West Acridge
Autumn House, 5 Westfield Road Wilderspin National School Museum


Hidden History

Hidden History tells of Barton upon Humber's fascinating history through a collection of media including original and authentic photographs, video clips, narration and text.